the Perfect Sticker Material

Gray Frame Corner

Since it is paper, it absorbs moisture, which can cause the sticker to peel off or discolor. On the other hand, it has excellent writing ability and is inexpensive, so it is a recommended material if durability and water resistance are not necessary. The least expensive paper sticker is the art paper sticker.

Paper material

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Film materials of “A” are generally water-resistant materials. The smooth surface of the film material does not allow for easy writing, but it is ideal for labels for products that handle water. Commonly used film stickers are Yupo stickers. If you are considering long-term outdoor use, choose outdoor sticker options.

Film material

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Special materials are recommended for those who want to create a sticker of a slightly different type. Hologram sticker, which shines in rainbow colors when light reflects off them, is one of the most popular sticker types and can be produced in quantities as low as 50.

Special material

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner